The ultimate one-stop solution for quick, solid and tasteful drum design.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, croquesolid offers a streamlined workflow for effortlessly shaping acoustic drum tracks. This versatile plugin is designed to clean, refine, and enhance your drums with precision and character. All within a single and intuitive interface.
Available in VST3 (Windows, macOS) and Audio Unit (macOS) formats, croquesolid integrates seamlessly with all major digital audio workstations.
Currently under development.
Artfully made for every drum, every mix.
Carefully crafted, just like a fine pastry, croquesolid delivers exceptional detail and flavour for your drum tracks.
With dedicated modes for kick, snare/toms and room/overhead-mic or drum-bus tracks, croquesolid optimizes the workflow for each part of your kit. From the thump of your kick drum to the shimmer of cymbals and the spaciousness and ambience of the room, it's feature set has got you covered.
It’s perfect for anyone looking to add rich, professional-sounding drums to their mix without the hassle of juggling multiple plugins. An intuitive and fun-to-use interface and carefully curated features help you get studio-quality results super-fast, whether you’re in a high-pressure mixing session or working in your home studio giving your band's recordings the finishing touch.
Easy-to-use, enjoyable.
See how easy it is to give your own drum recordings that 'pro' touch with minimal adjustments.Here's a video where a snare track is cleaned of excessive hi-hat bleed and enriched with multi-layer sample triggering and a few other features.We turn a mediocre performance into something that can actually be used in a 'real' production - and in under 2 minutes!
Deliciously versatile.
Imagine shaping your drum tracks with the ease of a channel strip but with extra 'flavour'. croquesolid covers every aspect of drum sound design, and they all have their specialized section:
mode: Set it to kick, snare/toms or room/bus mode and the plugin will automatically choose optimal settings for the signal path, filters, timings and more.
gate: Achieve pristine clarity with smart gating and bleed reduction, or use soft expansion to maintain the musicality of your tracks. Probably the easiest and most effective gate you will find. Blast-beat compliant. Hell yeah.
trigger: Effortlessly blend or replace your drums with built-in multi-layered samples for extra weight or texture using croquesolid’s intuitive drum trigger tool. We do supply a small and nice library of multi-layered stereo drum samples. But feel free to add your own. This section is available in kick & snare/toms mode.
stereo width: Achieve correct correlation and spatial integrity of stereo-miked room, ambience or overhead sources. Widen or shrink the stereo image, correct the center position of the kick or snare, and tweak the spectral balance of the perceived soundstage. Available in room/bus mode.
attack: This powerful transient shaping section enables adding punch and control to your drum hits very simple and effective. Also makes it very easy to dampen a too spiky drum or push it further back in the mix.
dynamic eq: A quick & easy problem solver for everyday drum mixing tasks: Drums are full of peaks and dips in the frequency spectrum. Typically, finding wanted or unwanted spots requires full attention and blocks the creative flow, tiring the ears very quickly. Well-known scenarios:
There's this tom that actually sounds good. It is rarely hit but always dies out at a completely annoying frequency... Which one?
Pushing 'kick' frequency, but... where is that exactly? Or the 'click'?
The tuning frequency of your snare head for some extra 'thump'?
Annoying cymbal ringing somewhere? Giving the overheads some extra 'air'?
This section is tailored for those tasks, no 'tuning' or sweeping required: It only takes a single click: let it scan a few drum hits and auto-find the three most dominant spots and choose appropriate parameters. Dynamically cutting or enhancing a spot is then just a knob turn away!
compressor: Inspired by renown studio classics, choosing one of the compression types adapts to any style, giving your drums punch, presence or that 'slammed' character when needed. All with minimum tweaking effort.
The opto mode is a punchy, yet forgiving and adaptive type modelled on classic optical-compressor circuitry, great for balancing a dynamic performance while retaining the sonic integrity of the kit or individual instruments. Your go-to compressor for nuanced and natural-sounding drum design, retaining musicality and micro-dynamics.
Go harder and more intrusive in slam mode. Modelled after legendary FET circuitry, including its feedback detection, this mode faithfully replicates the program-dependent 'overacting' and transients-choking. Perfect for that ultra-fast and compact in-your-face sound.
flavour: Add more deliciousness to your sound through selectable models of classic analogue-studio gear and circuits:
tape saturation. Ideal for gently taming signals, giving that 'glue' and treble warmth associated with recording drums on tape
class-A tube stage. Adds extra bite, grit and growl, giving some extra weight and deliciousness
dual-band exciter: That classic stomach punch and extra top-end clarity & shimmer. 100% 'addictive': as with the classics, drive responsibly.
While this section greatly enriches the sound through analogue-style harmonic creation, oversampling makes sure that digital artifacts stay out of here.
Coming in Q1 2025. Pricing will be anounced upon release.
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